It with with big mixed feelings that I write you a fond see you soon letter. I am both excited for my time with my new daughter and sad and worried. I know the kids are in good hands with Scottie Brower for the month of December, and I'll be seeing them soon enough. I will be visiting on Thursdays for lunch with the kids to check in and keep things rolling smoothly. Scottie will either send home her own newsletter or send it to me to post. I again want to thank you all for your support
In literacy, the kids have been plugging along working on their individual work and skills while I have been working with small reading groups and other literacy based skills like reading strategies and handwriting. I have been really pleased with their hard work and progress thus far.
I hope you all got the letter home about family traditions, which will be the basis for our information writing this month in Writer's Workshop. We look forward to celebrating all of your amazing family traditions as a class. Please work with your child to fill them out and bring them back to school.
The kids did a great presentation for our last all-school meeting, which I have posted here. Please take a look at it. The video shows them practicing at Primary Sing. I encourage you to have your child lead a song during your Thanksgiving celebration. Enjoy it!
In science we are wrapping up our unit on matter and water. The kids have done a great job with learning all about the scientific process. If Scottie chooses to, she may have the kids make their own experiments about water as well.
Again, you all have my thanks for your continued support. Please be in touch with anything, anytime.