Our Classroom and Teaching Philosophy

Children act upon their emotions and what they perceive as truth. The goal for any teacher is to allow children to explore both in a safe and constructive environment. Therefore it is critical to ask “why?” and to harness into the deep passion children all share for solidifying their own beliefs about themselves and the world around them. 

A classroom is a community of learners and we believe that a teacher is not a separate entity outside it; a teacher is an active member in it. All students need to feel loved, listened to, and above all, respected by their teacher. Students need to feel that their voice matters, that it has real value and power recognized by not only their classmates, but the teacher as well. Children need to feel safe in order to take risks and stances in their beliefs, which are integral parts of learning. Our classes foster this kind of safety. 

Learning is not something that is done to children. Rather, learning happens through guided discovery, inquiry, direct instruction and through their own hard work. In heterogeneous classes this approach in differentiated instruction allows children to learn about and question what they see as real or impossible in a way that makes sense to them, without making them compromise themselves as students or as individuals. 

We believe that all children are learners, eager to explore themselves as people and explore what we offer them in genuine experiences. We create a space where children can find and live in the joy of learning, where the education of the whole child can occur. 

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