Hey Friends,
A short one this time. We have report cards going home next week and that has been a deep time sink, as it usually is. I hope that you have all taken advantage of getting in touch with Aimee regarding the shift in our report card. If you haven't, no big deal. You can wait until you get them and then let us know if you have any questions.
I have finished our mid-year reading assessments which has been a big relief. The kids all worked super hard and did a great job. If you'd like an update on your child's assessed reading level, it will be on the report card. This information helps when looking for books that have the same guided reading level (a-z).
Next week we will begin our work on exploring the scientific process with the kids. We will be doing a number of investigations as a class where then afterwards they will be able to try one on their own. This kind of thinking will be important as we move toward our next investigations of erosion and the water cycle.
In Writer's Workshop we have started out new "Convince Me" writing pieces. The kids are continuing their focus on organizing their thoughts as well as working on applying their writing skills (punctuation, upper case/lower case, using the lines on the page, etc.). We shared some today (Friday) and had some great discussions about writer's craft and writing mechanics.
In Read-Aloud we have done some great reading about Jackie Robinson, Johnny Appleseed and now Helen Keller. The kids have been interested in stories about historical figures and their questions always show care and insight. I value their thoughts so much.
Next week will be the first Friday of Winter Wellness. If you don't know what activity your child is doing, please get in touch with Lauren Caswell (lcaswell@u32.org), the PE teacher, who is organizing this great opportunity. Also, next Friday morning we have an All School Assembly, should you be interested.
I think that's it for now. I hope you all have a great weekend!